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Hunter Graham & Reece Scott – Staying With Dad Tape 3: Quiet Night In

Hunter Graham & Reece Scott – Staying With Dad Tape 3: Quiet Night In

The evening had started off normally enough. My son Hunter was home from school and had finished his homework. We made dinner together and chatted about our day sitting at the kitchen table. Later on, we made our way into the living room and cuddled together on the couch, watching the evening news.

As the challenging events of today’s world played out before us, I noticed Hunter had gotten very serious and quiet—which was a bit unlike him. Normally, my son is very chipper and conversational during our tv watching, but something about the endless wars, political strife, and economic uncertainty of our nation had clearly gotten to him.

I am not a man of many words by nature, but I started feeling as if I should say something to make sure my boy was okay. There were probably a million things I could have said, but instead I kissed him lovingly on the top of his head and held him even tighter to me. Finally, Hunter looked up.

I could plainly see that my son was indeed a bit rattled by the news stories. I turned the volume down in case he wanted to share what might be on his mind. My boy takes very much after his old man and instead of commenting, he leaned up and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I kissed him back and gently stroked his arm.

Finally, it was obvious that Hunter was getting antsy. He couldn’t sit still any longer; he kept rubbing my muscled biceps and meaty thighs. My cock responded instinctively and then I started touching the boy all over.

Suddenly, Hunter twisted around and threw his arms around me. We locked eyes for just a hot moment and then immediately started making out.

I love how close the two of us have gotten in the short time that my son has been living with me since my divorce from his mother. At first, Hunter was displeased with the small space. However, now that we had begun having a sexual relationship, we shared the same room and the same bed. These days, from my perspective, it seems that Hunter doesn’t care where we live, just as long as we are together.

The boy clung to me as our lips and tongues once again explored one another’s mouths; my own tongue savoring Hunter’s taste. And his sweet, warm breath all over my face as he got more and more excited by my touch was simply heaven on earth.

Soon my son’s eager little hands and fingers began to hurriedly unbutton my jeans. He pulled my steel-hard erection out and instantly put it inside his mouth. I ran my hand through his soft, sexy, light-brown hair and hummed my approval.

Now that Hunter and I were on the level with one another mentally and emotionally, I was beginning to see a different side to him. Right after the divorce from his mother, Hunter could barely stand the sight of me. He pulled no punches with his passive-aggressiveness and was never shy about displaying his annoyance and disdain with nearly every word that came out of my mouth.

As our newly discovered passion for one another blossomed, the boy could hardly stand to leave my side; he hung onto every word that I said. Before, Hunter aimed to displease me at every opportunity. Now, he aimed to please me in every way possible. As my son administered yet another one of his fantastic deep-throat blowjobs, I couldn’t help but once again feel like I was in a dream.

I was simply overjoyed by the eager, earnest working-over that my son’s magical tongue was subjecting my stiffy to. To be blunt, I had to fight the urge to grab Hunter’s sweet, precious face, jam my cock as deep down his delicate throat as I could, and empty my load straight into his belly. Honestly, I had a notion that if we talked about it first, the boy would definitely at least let me try.

In any case, I eventually pulled the boy off of my swollen cock and motioned for him to get back onto the couch so I could pull his pants off. He did this right away and as he held onto the back of the couch he sighed deeply as I yanked his trousers down, exposing his perfect boy hole.

Hunter would let me spend hours—pre-planned or not—devouring the delicacy that is his twink hole. I always enjoy every morsel, every lick of the soft, tender skin around his pucker. And I’m adept at utilizing my own tongue to elicit deep moans along with his sexy, deep sighs.

I pulled Hunter’s hard-on back so that I could run my tongue along the underside, then tasted his taint before going back to relishing his pretty pucker again.

Once the boy’s hole was slick and ready for me, I removed the last of my clothes. Then I lounged back against the couch cushions and, without a word, Hunter instinctively knew what to do. He hurriedly threw his boxers off and mounted me. As he slowly sunk down onto my cock, I was once again astounded by the fact that the petite boy and his tiny ass could take every inch.

My sweet, sweet boy. How he loves to ride daddy’s cock! Hunter squeezed his sphincter so that the amazing sensation felt like a fist gripping my papa-pole. Sweat was trickling down my forehead and the heat of our passion had my body sheened with perspiration. I knew that I couldn’t possibly last much longer.

I had the sex-crazed craving to power-fuck my boy in the doggy position—and so that’s what we did. All sense of space and time vanished. The television we were watching had become a vague memory that seemed like a bad dream.

The only thing that mattered to me during our final gallop to the finish line was the desire, the need, the craving to climax together. Hunter rocked back onto my cock—primal, needful, sweetly agonizing as every inch of me slammed into him making us both call out in blissful harmony.

I gave one final thrust and the angels in heaven couldn’t sing a more profound, joyful hymn than I did in the moment that I came. As shot-after-blessed-shot coursed into my son, he turned back to me and stroked my chest and abs. His adoring gaze was a silent prayer of thanks for what must have been a breathtaking cum of his own.

As I slowly, delicately inched my way out of Hunter’s well-loved hole, we both marveled at the amount of thick, juicy daddy semen that oozed out of him. I used my cock head to playfully smear the cum all over his entry. God, I already wanted more, so I sunk my shaft back into him, causing the boy to throw his head back again in sensuous wonder.

Hunter glanced back at me and smiled. He wanted more, too. I knew that for the foreseeable future, we would be happily making up for all of the lost time together. We kissed deeply and then I began to envision the next place I wanted to plant my seed…

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