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Hunter Graham & Reece Scott – Staying With Dad Tape 2: Travel Delay

Hunter Graham & Reece Scott – Staying With Dad Tape 2: Travel Delay

Mr. Scott smiled on a bright and sunny morning as he cooked himself and his young son Hunter breakfast.

The fine and traditional good looks of Mr. Scott were enhanced by the fact that he stood in the middle of the kitchen, spatula in hand, in just his tighty-whities. He looked over his beefy shoulders and saw his son Hunter as he waltzed in. The boy had a sultry look in his eye. It really was no wonder, that look, considering the passionate night of fooling around together they had just had.

Hunter perched his chin on his father’s shoulder and softly kissed his neck. Mr. Scott took a deep breath: his son’s early morning aroma was simply divine. Alas, breakfast was just about ready…

An hour later, Mr. Scott and Hunter found themselves in the master bedroom. Hunter had just gotten the sad news during breakfast that his father would be leaving on a business trip out of state for one week.

Mr. Scott tried to soothe and calm his son, but to no avail. The boy merely batted his eyelids and laid spread-eagle over the bed, trying to block his father from reaching his suitcase. Just a few days ago, Hunter wouldn’t have cared less about his departure. Now the boy acted like he couldn’t live one hour without his DILF dad.

But all that aside, Mr. Scott really needed to get going. In frantic desperation, Hunter blocked his father yet again with his little twink body and offered up one last plea.

The needful boy promised to let his daddy go, but first would he please fuck his ass real good? Mr. Scott’s jaw dropped, but he recovered just enough to ask if the boy really wanted it or not? Hunter just scoffed like it was the dumbest question in the world. Of course he wanted his irresistibly sexy dad to fuck him! How could he not?

More than that, Mr. Scott very profoundly desired the relationship with Hunter to go to the absolute limits—and beyond. The feelings that he had for the boy were intense and no words could adequately describe, but Mr. Scott was determined to show Hunter through the act of making love.

Packing would just have to wait!

The sweet-faced twink returned the passion that he and his father shared by using his hands, lips, and tongue to drive the point home. Father and son started groping; Hunter moaned into his hot daddy’s mouth as he felt up the DILF’s ripped physique.

With hungry eyes, Hunter unzipped his father’s pants and pulled them down. Mr. Scott’s dick was as solid as an oak. And yet, with astonishing grace and ease, the boy got to licking, kissing and sucking for all he was worth. The boy feasted, providing the type of fellacio that even an experienced lover like Mr. Scott was impressed by.

The proud papa marveled at his son’s insatiable appetite. The kid was damn good—he needed very little, if any, guidance or correcting. Heck, Hunter might just give the best blowjob he’d ever had. So good, in fact, he nearly got on his cell phone and postponed the business trip.

However, this was not possible, and the flight would be leaving soon. So Mr. Scott gently pulled the boy off of his penis and instructed him to flip over, get face down, and put his beautiful round bottom up so that daddy could get that hole ready!

Hunter gripped the sheets and tried to retain consciousness as his father rimmed the wailing twink like he was famished. The boy pushed his ass back, helping his old man jam his tongue into him just as deep as it would go.

The nearly delirious twink tossed his head to-and-fro, dazzled and loving life, as his father kissed and licked every inch of the boy’s smooth bottom. Mr. Scott darted his tongue around Hunter’s button-sized boy-entry. When the DILF finally came up for air, Hunter thought the mind-blowing rim job was at its completion.

Truth of the matter was that Mr. Scott hardly cared about getting to the airport on time anymore. He would enjoy every last drop of this boy to his satisfaction or not at all. And certainly the latter was not an option—not any more.

Next, Hunter flipped onto his back. Mr. Scott tenderly requested that his son pull his legs back and expose that mouth-watering hole again. The groaning, moaning dad made out with his son’s tender anus. And then, Hunter’s eyes flew wide open as he realized that his huffing, puffing father had replaced his mouth with his huge cock head. The twink held on tight and reminded himself to breathe. After all, Hunter was no stranger to intercourse, but he literally had never taken a penis inside of him quite this size before—and he could barely contain his excitement!

As Mr. Scott eased his massive, swollen cock-head against the boy’s pink hole. Hunter took a deep breath and looked up at the DILF with pleading eyes; he wanted daddy to go slow, but he also desperately needed to be fucked.

Father and son moaned in unison as Mr. Scott plunged slowly deeper. Hunter had thought that he’d been fucked before in a ton of postions, but Mr. Scott definitely took the prize for not just inventiveness but lasting power.

The lust-driven daddy could drill a hot, young dude into the mattress for literally hours on end. Mr. Scott could have easily sexed Hunter up for days before resting, but that would have to wait until he returned home from his trip!

In the meantime…

Hunter sucked his daddy’s tongue into his mouth as they passionately made love. Mr. Scott’s penis swelled to even thicker lengths as his impending climax built up in his loins. The sensations this gave deep inside of the boy caused him to squeal and then shoot a syrupy sweet cumshot.

This amazing moment was more than the overstimulated elder could take. Mr. Scott pulled Hunter close up against him as he came. He kissed the boy more intensely, and with more lust, love, and desire than he’d ever felt in his life.

Hunter clung to his daddy and kissed him back just as hard as he could while his father erupted into him.

And later on the plane, Mr. Scott daydreamed about his son and all of the countless wonders that made up the beautiful boy. He sighed. A whole week…but then he imagined Hunter’s welcome-home-dad-now-fuck-me smile that awaited upon his return. It’s always nice, he thought, to have something to return to.

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